Lawn Irrigation And Landscaping

residential irrigation system

Is It Time To Invest In Your Landscaping and Lawn Irrigation System?

Are you considering getting  lawn irrigation for your landscaping? If so, it’s important to go with a lawn irrigation expert. Let’s go over what you can expect when you hire an experienced company to handle your lawn irrigation installations, and your sprinkler system cost!

How Much Does It Cost For Lawn Irrigation?

It’s hard to keep up with watering your lawn, so it might be looking a little dry and worse for wear. That can hurt your curb appeal and make it hard to enjoy spending time outside on your own property. You can fix the problem by installing a sprinkler system. Now, you can’t help but wonder, “How much does a water sprinkler system cost?” You want to have a ballpark figure, so you’ll know if it fits in your budget. Start by considering the average cost of installing a new water sprinkler system.

On average, people pay $1,714-$3,520 for new sprinkler systems. However, you could pay more or less depending on your lawn care needs. When asking, “How much does it cost to irrigate your lawn?” consider the size of your property. If you have a sprawling lawn you’ll more than likely need a larger sprinkler system. On the other hand, if your yard is small, you won’t need nearly as much equipment to irrigate it. When you get a quote, the installation company will evaluate your property to determine the size of the system. Then, it will be much easier to price the system for you!

Other Lawn Factors to Consider When Pricing A Lawn Irrigation System

The ease of installation is also a factor to consider when asking, “How much does it cost to irrigate your lawn?” If your lawn is grassy and flat, the installation will be a breeze. However, if your yard is full of hardscape, the installation will be more difficult. That will increase the cost. The cost is also based on the type of system you choose. Drip systems cost less than spray systems, so you can save money if you go that route. You can save even more when you select an affordable irrigation company. Such a sprinkler installation company will provide a good deal on the type of system you want!

The Best Time of Year To Install Your Sprinkler System

It’s hard to install irrigation and sprinkler systems during the icy winter months. The snow, ice, and slush make installing commercial and residential sprinkler systems a challenge, and it’s even worse if the ground is frozen. The spring season also poses its own set of challenges. It tends to rain a lot during the spring, slowing down most sprinkler installations. The best time of the year to install any sprinkler system is the fall, with summer a close second. By installing your system in the fall, it will be in place by the time the snow comes and ready to deliver water in the spring. You also need to consider your landscaping when choosing a time to install an irrigation system.

It’s hard for the soil to recover from digging when the soil is dry and hot. However, the soil is moist and cool during the autumn months, making it ideal for installation. Your soil will recover quickly and be ready for the spring when you install the system in the fall. Even though fall is the best time of the year to install residential and commercial sprinkler systems, spring is the busiest. The high demand in spring can drive up the prices and lead to longer wait times. Thus, installing your irrigation system in the fall can also help you save money!

What Makes Professional Sprinkler Systems Right For You

A lush landscape takes some work, and at Hydro-Tech, we understand the value of your sprinkler system installation. An irrigation system ultimately saves on water and reduces the need for plant replacement. It is a cost effective way to maintain a healthy landscape while also saving time. We are extremely conscientious of the environment. Our water conservation techniques include using efficient irrigation heads. Also, our systems monitor the weather. Adjusting according to rain prevents unnecessary watering. We can reduce irrigation costs while saving water. At Hydro-Tech, we customize our work and are dedicated to installing systems without disrupting existing lawns. Because of this ability, we can tailor irrigation systems for a variety of applications. For instance, the needs of a flower garden are different from the needs of a vegetable or specialty garden. Also, some homes or situations require greenhouse misters and drip irrigation. Other times, the water is from a well rather than the city. We pride ourselves on adjusting our process specifically to meet our clients’ needs!

Commercial Lawn Irrigation

First impressions can make or break a business. If your landscaping leaves something to be desired, potential customers will drive right by. Avoid this problem by getting a commercial lawn irrigation system installed at your property. It will keep your lawn green and gorgeous, which will entice customers to stop by. Did you know you can reduce the money you spend on lawn maintenance by having an irrigation system installed at your commercial property? The automated system will deliver the correct amount of water without anyone having to do any work.

That means you won’t have to pay someone to water the lawn. Also, because it delivers a precise amount of water, your landscaping will stay healthy from one season to the next. You won’t have to worry about adding new sod after your lawn dies. That’s yet another way to save money in your pocket! Pinching pennies is part of running a successful business. You cannot waste money and expect to maintain a viable business.

Commercial sprinkler systems are a quick and easy way to save money. Commercial sprinkler systems are efficient, so you won’t waste water. It will provide the right amount of water at all times, so you will spend less on your water bill each month. You also don’t want weeds to overtake your commercial property. Fortunately, you can avoid this problem with a commercial lawn irrigation system. If you have plants throughout your property, the sprinkler installation company can add a drip irrigation system that sends water to the plants’ roots. It will only water the plants, so weeds won’t thrive on your property!

what is irrigation

What is Irrigation

I. The Basics of Irrigation At its core, irrigation involves the artificial application of water to soil or land to assist in the growth of

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